So why choose us?

So why choose us? For two reasons: we offer you the quality and price that you may be looking for. We ensure quality by means of two factors: (i) our proofreaders are native English speakers with PhDs in their respective fields; (ii) our policy is that even after you've paid us, we encourage you to seek further help until you're satisfied with the proofreading and editing of your document. As for the price, if you happen to find anything cheaper online, may we dare you to inform us? We'll match that price for you.

If you're looking to save up on proofreading or studying on a tight budget, then look no further. Indeed, our humble aim is to provide top quality proofreading and editing for a single price and a low one at that, partly out of a sense of nostalgia that once we were students. Our price is thus no cover for any lack of quality on our part. We proofread and edit any work in English regardless of level or content. While all may submit, non-native English speakers are hereby urged to do so.

Still not sure if this is what you need? Well, why don't you send us a page of your document so that one of our proofreaders can do it up for you free of charge. A free sample edit as such will certainly help you decide as well as giving you a better idea of what to expect from us.

Submit Your Free Sample Edit