Click Pay Now to pay by credit card or PayPal

PAYPAL, the internet's most secure, will process your payment for us.
After clicking Pay Now, you'll be taken to PayPal's secure screen.
Follow these steps to pay by credit card, e.g. Visa/MasterCard:

1. Fill in the amount to pay in the box Price per item.
2. Do not change the Quantity though. Please leave it as 1.
3. Click Continue to confirm total to be paid.
4. If you have a PayPal account, fill in your email and password under Pay with PayPal to log in.
5. If you do not have a PayPal account, click Pay with Credit Card to fill in your card details.
6. Don't forget to change Country from USA to wherever you are.

  At the end, you will be given the option of printing out your receipt.
  Once your payment is received, PayPal will confirm it through email.
  If there's no email from PayPal, your payment has not come through.
  If you have any problems with Apple, please try one with Windows.
  If you have any difficulty at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Problems? Click here to contact us