We're here to help you

We are published academics in various fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Put more simply, we know inside out the hassles involved in trying to get your text sorted out or to have it published. You can thus count on us to polish up your manuscript before handing it in.

We are native speakers of English from Down Under (Australia and New Zealand) and if you are wondering what kind of English do they speak down there, you only need to listen to the likes of Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman to know that whatever English is spoken by those Kangaroos and Kiwis, it may not be as intimidating as those perplexingly fascinating accents from around middle England or better perhaps southern Texas.

And even though we each hold a doctorate (PhD) in our respective fields, each of us sincerely hopes that you'll come to appreciate us rather by the quality of our service to you which is the only thing that matters as far as we are concerned. Everything else is peripheral.

If and when you decide to submit your work to us, you will be assigned one of us depending of course on the nature of your document. You will next be contacted directly via email by your assigned proofreader with your corrected documents. From then on, you will be communicating back and forth via email with your assigned proofreader until you are fully satisfied with the proofreading of your work. And here is the thing: even after you've paid up, you are still entitled to seek clarifications over the corrections made to your document until you're satisfied with the service we hope to render you.

Here's hoping that you will enjoy our service while thanking you for doing business with us,
Karen Arrowsmith (admin)

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